This is the new BOK center in Tulsa.
This is what happens when you eat cheetos and drink orange crush.
Zoe and Dad playing Whack a mole.
Karla having too much fun and Brody dying that they have to go so slow.
Callie with a vengence. Chasing Grandpa!
On your mark get set go!
Brody and Jordan ready to race. (Jordan won Brody.)
Bowling at Andy B's.
New coat for Callie. She truly acts like a movie star.
We were supposed to have Callie ready to go by 2:00. They called right before and told us everything is getting pushed back. We had the afternoon off.
So we started the day with a sleep in till 9:30. Chad and Karla slept till 10:00 (unbelieveable). I think we are just wearing them out. We had breakfast and did our treatments and needed to go shopping. We went down to the mall. Callie needed a pair of boots. There is so much snow and mud that Ty was teasing her about her bling bling shoes. We found a pair of slicker boots and a darling rain coat that is PINK. Paige will be jealous. We were rushed thinking that we had to get Callie back by 2:00 or I could have shopped all day.
We decided that since we had the afternoon off we would have some fun. Make A Wish had given us suggestions and tickets for things to do. We went to Andy B's for some bowling and played a couple games. Every one had fun. They also had go-karts and an arcade. They couldn't get the electrical stuff working so they let us go a second time. It was competitive. Just look at Callies face as she is trying to pass Grandpa Chad.
We then went to the Tulsa Oilers Hockey Game. We got some dinner there and stayed until after the second period. Oilers were up 5 to 2. The game started with a major fight and the refs did NOTHING about it. I don't get all the rules but I do know they don't blow the whistle on a fight but they do blow the whistle if someone hits the puck to far. (iceing?) Whatever!
The kids went back to the hotel and wanted to swim. It was closed because someone had left a SUPRISE in the pool. (Gross!) Tomorrow Callie is supposed to have time with TY 12-2. That will be the blog for tomorrow. We will forsure have lots of pictures if all goes well. Here are some pictures from today. ENJOY!
Found on Ty Penningtons blog a picture of Callie. You can get to his blog at: www.typenningtonstyle.com/blog/ here is a picture for Callie's claim to fame.
Hi London's
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun adventure you are having. We are so happy for you and love the pics and blog. Callie, you are too cute. Don't let it go to your head. :-) Bro.Pratt & I love the pic of Callie in her hardhat standing by Ty. The go-carts look like they were a blast. There is a lot of competition in your family! We have been thinking of you all week. Lots of love, Pratt's