Today is Sunday the 31 of January. It doesn't feel like a usual Sunday. We were up and on our way to the set (the house) and didn't come home til 6:00PM.
We loaded the shuttle today from the hotel and we had someone else on with us. Her name is Kristin Cunningham. She has done a couple of shows on HGTV and she just recently has been working with Rachel Ray. I recongnize her but wouldn't know her name. She is helping design for this house and talked with Callie about design school and told us about her career. COOL!
The shuttle took us to Callie's trailer where we were able to stay warm. The weather is still in the low 30's and icey roads. We had fog when we woke up and a little snow throughout the day (nothing that accumulated). They came in and put a mic on Callie for the day and had us all wear our EXTREME shirts. They asked for Callie, Mom and "Callie's personal Photographer" Grandpa Chad. The local paper Tulsa World wanted Callie to come down to the house for some pictures. They asked us a few questions and took a lot of pictures. I will google and give you the links if there is anything there. They had then had Mark, Karla and the kids come to the VIP tent for the kids party. Mark was standing outside the tent and heard others asking "Who is She?" Mark heard people say I think she is here as part of the design team, she is a 9 year old from UTAH. Mark didn't say anything but was very amused to hear what people were saying about our little girl.
They took Callie, Mom and Photographer to the Art Design Tent where Callie and Eduardo filmed a scene. Callie was unprompted or unaware of what she would be asked. Eduardo talked her through everything and what I could hear, I think she did great. They discussed some of the room designes and made a shopping list.
We were then escorted back to the VIP tent for the kid party. There were so many people in the tent it was over crowded. They had candy, balloons, clowns, princesses and disney characters. Zoe was in seventh heaven with Snow White. It was totally fun. They had people that weren't with the Make A Wish leave. They had a table of Make A Wish kids that were drawing art designs. They will be auctioned off tomorrow at a benefit dinner. TY PENNINGTON came in and personally met everyone at the Wish kid table. They only had to do 3 retakes of the filming. It was awsome. After the party we went to the dinning hall for linner (lunch-dinner). Callie finally had time to go to the bathroom but couldn't. She couldn't figure out how to get her mic off that was attached to her tool belt. It was the funniest thing, we had to go find TIM to adjust her. He told her "It's hard to be famous" she told him "I just want to pee". She loves thinking she is famous.
We waited around till 6:00 when they told us she wouldn't be needed the rest of the night. She was supposed to do another take tonight but things got pushed back again. That will just mean a early morning tomorrow. Back to the hotel we came. Went to Ruby Tuesdays for dinner. Jordan asked me while eating, "Why do we have to break the Sabbath?" I told him it was already broken early this morning. Mark is now back at the hotel swimming with the kids. That is all Zoe wants to do. If you tell her she is "Ariel" she thinks she rules the pool.
Another early morning. I'm hoping to get to bed early tonight.