This has been an event that could never be duplicated. I think that there is a story behind this week that has not been told. When Callie first approached Stacie and I about her wish to participate on the Extreme Makeover set, we actually discourage her thinking that getting her hopes up would make it frustrating to deal with denial. As the people at Make-A-Wish began working with her on the wish they became aware of it and actually encouraged her to put it down as her first wish. As they sent it to the National office, there was uncertainty that there would be any way to grant this wish. It was a week later that Extreme Makeover, with their plans to do this house for the Starkweathers, that they called the foundation and indicated that plan. We have been told that if we had not made the wish when we did it is very likely that it would have not been able to have been done. It is amazing how things happen in life.
This morning Callie wrote her co-stars to tell them that she was home. I think it says something as we prepared to leave and Ty, Paige, Paul, and Eduardo all wanted Callie to keep in touch.
It is going to be nice to visit the Starkweather family once this all settles down and be able to get to know their wonderful family. We feel that we share with them a wonderful moment in time and it is really not about the house, but the love to serve someone else. Luckly I have Callie to help teach me that going to the finest points of the earth may bring a memory, but not a lasting impression. Most people who hear or comment about Callie's wish are not as much drawn to the celebrities or the television, but that she wanted to help someone else. As I spoke this morning with Callie about her favorite part of this wish, it was the reactions of the Starkweather family that meant the most.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
There's just one more thing to blog "Welcome home London Family Welcome Home"
Today was a busy day for us. I stayed up late last night getting things packed up and Mark was blobering or I mean blogging. Mostly both. We had an early morning today. Needless to say I am falling asleep at the computer. Tonight won't be much but I promise there will be more to come. We didn't have too many pictures because we had to carry around all of our luggage. There were not enough hands to do both.
We met with the Starkweather family at 8:30 in the dining hall. Callie was able to give Ethan his dog tag with his name and his bracelet that said *WISH*. They loved it and there is more to the story but I will tell that in another post. Here is the link of what was recorded.
We were very emotional and made sure that we would keep in touch.
We then had to be to Callie's final interview at 11:30. She did awesome! More info to follow. At the interviews we saw all the designers and got signatures and email addresses for all. We had our picture one more time. We then gassed up the car headed for the airport and got home about 8:00 or 9:00PM.
We had a wonderful welcome from Kelly and Debbie at the airport, along with the Hutchings family. And when we pulled in the garage was decorated with balloons and a sign from friends in the ward. Then Chad and Karla couldn't get enough of us so they came over and so did the Polsons. Callie was out of control telling and showing all her fun wish surprises. Thank you so much for being part of our blog. It makes me stay up late just because I know people want to hear. Sorry for such a short one tonight but I've already counted 4 times falling asleep during this one. More to come. I promise!
We love Tulsa and we love Farmington. Good to be home.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Move That Bus!!!
Today is the climax of the show. This is the big moment when it is time to pull out the kleenex and get ready for the flood gates to open. And that it what happened for us. A lot of it is because of the wonderful expression that was seen from the Starkweather Family, but we can not help but feel that the staff of EMHE and Make-a-Wish are also a big part of the emotion. We feel like there is family here in Oklahoma and that we are leaving them. The people of this community were endless with generosity and their love for our family. They even told us that they would love for us to become a part of their state. That is the ultimate if they would build you a house if you want to live here. If anyone is ever moving to Oklahoma and especially the Tulsa area, look no further then Simmons Homes for your house. They have hearts the size of Oklahoma (not Texas due to the rivalry here) that they care about what they stand for.
So I am sure you really want to know about the day. We were on set at 11:30 today and the crowd had already started to form for the big event. The bus was around the corner and the street was being cleaned. We were there for about an hour before they needed Callie and they sent Callie and Stacie to the Art Tent. She was welcomed there by Paul and two muscians. Here was Callie talking with Cheryl Crow and Miranda Lambert, both were going to be there for the reveal of the house. After a little filming in the tent they sent Callie down to eat before the big moment. So as we go down the street to eat, Callie is shouted by several people in the crowd and she has a few photos with mostly girls her own age.
After the lunch we returned to Callie's trailer and waited for them to call us out for the big event. As they called us out they put our family right in the front of the crowd and had Callie stand with the design team to welcome home the family. They filmed the arrival several times before the family actually came home. Once they did arrive we practiced moving the bus several times. In Zoe's words, "We are telling them to move the bus, but they are not listening!" Once the producers had the film that they needed then they actually moved the bus and got the reaction of the family. They had emotions of gratitude as they we given that awesome gift. Not to ruin the show, but pleanty more was also given to them that you will see in the show. We watched as they were taken into the house. Callie was quickly sent down to the designer bus with Cheryl Crow, Miranda Lambert, Paul, Paige, and Eduardo. Don't worry we will stay here while you all go enjoy the plush life.
While they were gone Sammy, a crew member asked us and others close to the family to move to the side of the street that the house was on. As the main crowd dispersed we waited. Soon the Starkweather family came out of the house and were walked down to the bus, while Callie and the others came back up. At this point, Callie and our whole family got to go into the house and prepare to welcome the family into their home for a concert. We sat in this home designed mainly but people who are behind the scenes, and we got to join the Starkweather family in listening to the music of Cheryl Crow and Miranda Lambert. Nothing is like a private concert with thirty people and have the experience of listening to these fine artists. Callie was with the design team the whole time dancing and clapping and joking with them. Cheryl and Miranda talking with her as with the rest of the talent, like they had a long relationship. It was unbelieveable!!!
This has been a dream come true for Callie. It has become a memory in the lives of all of our family that could not have occured any other way. As the day ends so does many of the close daily interaction with people we talked and walked with daily. A great example was Erin, she is from the Make-A-Wish of Oklahoma. As we rode home Zoe said to me "I love Erin, she took care of me all day." She then told it to Erin. After arriving at our hotel, Erin let us know Callie's schedule for interviews for tomorrow and let us know that she would not be seeing us tomorrow. Emotions flowed as we made sure that e-mail address and phone numbers were well documented to keep in contact. Others that you see in the photos in todays blog are the same thing. People who have found their way into our lives, not to be forgotten. We will head home tomorrow night, but we will never leave Oklahoma for good, Callie has made sure of that when she not only etched her name in the sidewalk in front of the Starkweather home, but took the city of Tulsa by storm via newspaper, television, and interaction with the people. We have been blessed, and those blessing make the trials in life seem just a small amount easier to handle.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Inside The House - Meet the Starkweathers
Oh my goodness. Where do I start today? All of these days seem to be running together. To start off we had the latest sleep in day since we've been here. I think we are running low on sleep. We didn't have to be on set till 1:00PM. We missed hotel breakfast and decided to go to IHOP. We then loaded the shuttle to the set and everybody went. The boys missed yesterday because they went shopping with Grandma and didn't want to miss today.
We arrived and got Callie in her hard hat and tool belt (thank you Debbie and Kelly). She was taken down to the house with Mark to tour the house with Paige. Everything in the house is a surprise. Callie has been sworn to secrecy not to talk about what she saw and filmed. I know she did some stuff with each designer (Paul, Paige, Eduardo) and filmed stuff with each of them. Once out of the house she had a break so we went to the dinning hall and had lunch. Everyday they serve really good stuff. Chicken, lasagna, potatoes, corn, salad, chips, drinks, cake. Callie is getting a lot of calories.
We went back up to her trailer and along the way they allow the public to watch some of the progress on the home. It was after school time and some of the kids were saying "I think that is Callie" They were waving and Callie went over to talk to some of them. There were two boys who wanted their picture with her. She was a little embarrassed (she still thinks boys are gross) but was happy to know that people knew her name and could recognize her.They asked for her signature, she has been working on that for the past couple of days, and she felt like a star. Back to the trailer to wait. Outside she could see Tim walk by with some groups who were getting a tour of the set. Tim had Callie come outside to meet them they all pulled out their cell phones and were flashing pictures of her. We were then told we would be heading over to the fair grounds for a continuation of last nights benefit fund raiser for Make-A-Wish. Callie and Mom and Dad were all able to ride in the star shuttle. We rode with Paul, Paige, and Eduardo. We did have to wait while Eduardo went to the "Crafty" for some cheese. He had a box of crackers and wanted some cheese to go with them. Callie was joking with him about making us all wait while he went to get "cheese". All the other designers were laughing that she would call him on that.
At the benefit tonight they were auctioning off a ford truck. Ethan and his family would be showing up for that too. It took a couple of takes to get it just right. They had the builders sit on the row behind the Starkweather family and then our family and then the MAW people. Callie was placed right between the two builders wives and right behind Ethan.
Earlier Callie got to introduce herself to Ethan on the "Ty Cam". The Starkweather family must have seen that while they were at Disney World. Tonight when they came to sit down in front of us, Amy the mom saw Callie and turned Ethan around to see and said. "Here is Callie Here's Callie right here." They were able to do a quick hand shake and meeting before more filming. I was shocked because I didn't know that they were aware we were even there. It was a touching moment for me to see how excited they were to see Callie and meet her. I think there will be an official meeting tomorrow.
After the benefit we came back to the hotel got in the cars for some dinner. It was about 10:00 PM before we were able to sneak in the doors of Cracker Barrel to get some dinner. Back to the hotel for treatments, bath and bed. I get to blog. I am super tired so if none of this blog makes sense, we will blame it on NO SLEEP!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Showtime for Callie
Today was all about filming, but before we arrived on set, Callie was the talk of Tulsa. The local newspaper, Tulsa World had Callie on the front cover. You can see it at When Callie arrived on set, she was immediately sent to an interview with the Channel 8 news in Tulsa. They were so nice to Callie and even let us know that they are going to send it to Utah and provide us the footage of the interview. We did not even get back to the trailer before we were sent to the Art Tent for Callie's filming with Paul of the plans for Ethan's bedroom.
Paul was very nice with Callie and spent some time prepping her for the shoot. They were fun to watch as they would play on each others characteristics. Paul was also involved with a second shoot where he and Callie go to the house to get updated on the progress from the builder. They again lived it up as they went over and had Callie put her name it the driveway for the family and also put her in a bobcat to teach her to drive. The producers whispered a little something in Paul's ear that quickly reminded him that she was probably not old enough to be driving the bobcat.
Paul and Callie had lunch together and Paul really showed his interest about Callie. We talked for a while and Paul really showed how much this means to him. After we left from lunch we went to Callie's trailer and she had a nap. After she woke up they informed her that she would be going to a charity event for make-a-wish with the rest of the celebrities (designers). At 6 pm Callie, Paul, Paige and Eduardo along with the production team all headed to Tulsa University for a benefit event in the upper sky box at the stadium. They mingled with the people and Callie helped auction off many items that brought in over $200,000. It was amazing to see the wonderful generosity of the people of Tulsa. Callie was the star of the night. People wanted to have their photo with her and to visit with her and to even just hug her. There were people who wanted to have a photo with just Callie while she had some of the other celebrity designers at her side. Eduardo was jealous.
This has again been an amazing day as Callie could not have imagined the way that her wish would become a full part in the designing of a house and becoming the talk of Tulsa.
That was all Mark now my version of the story. Today I fell in love with Paulie. He was so awesome with Callie. While they were in between takes at the Art tent Paul asked Callie if she would talk to one of his friends. He told her that he had a friend named Megan from New Hampshire who also had Cystic Fibrosis and he wanted to get them together. Callie agreed and Paul called Megan. Callie talked to Megan on Paul's personal cell phone for about 10 minutes. The producers were ready for another take but Paul set them straight telling them that Callie was taking an important phone call. So they waited till Callie was off. Megan is 12 and was a spectator at a EMHE show they did in New Hampshire. She got Paul's attention from the crowd and Paul gave her a personal tour of the home. The next day she came back to the house and caught Paul again. Paul met her parents and was immediately impressed with her story. He now has even gone to New Hampshire to help with fund raising. He said he will give Callie Megan's email so they can be good friends. Paul has a heart the size of Texas and I am a better person for meeting and knowing him. Tonight at the benefit dinner he told everyone how special it is to have Callie here. He has never been a part of someones wish and this meant a lot to him to be a part of Callie's. He started to tear up and you all know me I totally was touched. PAUL IS A WONDERFUL MAN. Callie needs to make up to him somehow, it may take a lot. All day while filming with Paul, Callie told him (7 times) that Paige was her favorite and he was her second favorite. I will work on that tomorrow.
That was all Mark now my version of the story. Today I fell in love with Paulie. He was so awesome with Callie. While they were in between takes at the Art tent Paul asked Callie if she would talk to one of his friends. He told her that he had a friend named Megan from New Hampshire who also had Cystic Fibrosis and he wanted to get them together. Callie agreed and Paul called Megan. Callie talked to Megan on Paul's personal cell phone for about 10 minutes. The producers were ready for another take but Paul set them straight telling them that Callie was taking an important phone call. So they waited till Callie was off. Megan is 12 and was a spectator at a EMHE show they did in New Hampshire. She got Paul's attention from the crowd and Paul gave her a personal tour of the home. The next day she came back to the house and caught Paul again. Paul met her parents and was immediately impressed with her story. He now has even gone to New Hampshire to help with fund raising. He said he will give Callie Megan's email so they can be good friends. Paul has a heart the size of Texas and I am a better person for meeting and knowing him. Tonight at the benefit dinner he told everyone how special it is to have Callie here. He has never been a part of someones wish and this meant a lot to him to be a part of Callie's. He started to tear up and you all know me I totally was touched. PAUL IS A WONDERFUL MAN. Callie needs to make up to him somehow, it may take a lot. All day while filming with Paul, Callie told him (7 times) that Paige was her favorite and he was her second favorite. I will work on that tomorrow.
That about sums up the day. Only 2 more nights left and then we leave to come home. I will be so sad to leave these good people. I just hope we can keep in touch somehow. UTAH better be ready Callie might have a big head for a couple of days. Then reality will hit. Let's just say Mark and I had a whole day of being PROUD PARENTS of our SHINING STAR.
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